Next it was the spiders. Well, to be honest, I never did anything about them. Those are skittish little things (although very poisonous) and they mostly hang out in the garage and under the house. They are not bothering me.... yet. I will get to them when I get to them (way down low on the priority list).
Then it was the yellow jackets. They didn't bother me at first. They never bit or stung me and I thought we could all live peaceably together. But now they seems to be taking over. And it is hard to move about the yard without dodging one of them. They seem to like the water in the pond, which is why they are hanging around the yard. So off to the store I went to get another trap. Just like before a nice green reusable one.
Now, it's the gophers.
How do I deal with gophers? I absolutely refuse to put poison down. I have too many loved animals to risk having poison on the ground. Someone told me to flood it out with a hose and then when they come out to breathe, hit them over the head with a shovel. But if you haven't noticed, I happen to be an animal lover. That would be hard to do. Why can't I write a nice letter asking them to please not dig holes? It would go something like this:
Dear Mr Gopher and Family,
I know you think you have found prized real estate. It really is beautiful out there, especially during the sunrise. But I hate to tell you this, but there is already someone living there, me. And I really do not appreciate the holes you are creating in my front lawn.
I know, I know. I have a lot of space. Why can't I share it? Well, I am here to tell you that I can. Just please live by my rules. Here they are:
- Do not dig or live in my front lawn at all. Period. I hate to say it, but your holes are unsightly and I don't want to upset my neighbors.
- Do not dig or live in my immediate backyard. This is for your benefit as well as mine. You don't want to pop you little head out and be attacked by a doberman. Trust me, it will not be pleasant.
- Do not dig or live in the vegetable garden. This is food for me and my family. Please find your own.
That's it! Three little rules. There is plenty of space for you everywhere else. Tons of it actually. If you could agree to my 3 simple rules, I am sure we can live amicably with each other.
Very Truly Yours,
Lilian A. Ramey
Sigh... If life could be that easy....